First Italian OpenFOAM User Meeting
Dept. of Aerospace Science and Technology (DAER) - Politecnico di Milano
October 19th, 2022
1st Italian OpenFOAM User Meeting
Important Note - Registration Closed
we would like to thank you very much for your strong interest to the event. We got a very large number of abstract proposals from Italy and from Europe; despite we did our best, we were clearly not able to satisfy all the requests that we got. In a few days, we overcome the max number of seats in the audience and we filled all the available slots for the presentations.
So, registrations to the event in person are closed.
If you have not registered to the event (and you have not received a confirmation email of your booked seat), please do not come in person to the venue; we will be forced to let you out.
If you are willing to follow the event and you could not get a seat, we will work to make the event available online for those who are interested.
Thank you very much for your understanding and thank you again!
The Organizing Committee
Meeting Agenda
08:50 - Welcome (Federico Piscaglia, Dept. of Aerospace Science and Technology, Politecnico di Milano)
09:00 - Invited talk: OpenFOAM, technology for the common good (F. Mendonca, ESI-OpenCFD Ltd, UK)
09:30 - Coupling adaptive mesh refinement with rigid-body motion for accurate hull hydrodynamics (P. Geremia, Engys)
09:50 - From medical devices to surfboards design: CFD consulting with OpenFOAM (R. Rossi, RED Fluid Dynamics)
10:10 - Advanced Methods for fast reactive CFD computations in Aerospace. F. Piscaglia, Dept. of Aerospace Science and Technology, Politecnico di Milano
11:00 - OpenFOAM for space propulsion applications P. Ciottoli, Sapienza Università di Roma
11:20 - OpenFOAM development and applications at UNIVPM V. D'Alessandro, Universita' Politecnica delle Marche
11:40 - FDA Blood Pump case. A validation benchmark for the next OpenFOAM workshop. J. Guerrero, Universita' di Genova
12:00 - Wind propulsion, an answer to reduce emissions using CFD. K. Charpot (AYRO, FR)
12:20 - An Overview of the Development of Numerical Models in OpenFOAM to Support the Design of the MYRRHA Nuclear Reactor. M. Faruoli, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
12:40 - rhoEnergyFoam: an energy preserving, low-dissipative, shock-capturing density based solver for simulation in transonic regime. I. Spisso, Leonardo Labs
14:20 - Invited talk: The Continuous Adjoint Method in Shape and Topology Optimization in Fluid Mechanics with or without Heat Transfer in OpenFOAM. Industrial Applications. K. Giannakoglu, Univ. of Athens
14:40 - GPU-accelerated OpenFOAM: yes, we can. F. Spiga, NVIDIA UK
15:00 - ICSFoam: an OpenFOAM library for implicit coupled simulations of high-speed 'turbomachinery flows. S. Oliani, Universita' di Ferrara
15:20 - Four-way Coupling Effects in the Classification Mechanism of a Spiral Jet Mill. S. Bna, CINECA
15:40 - E4 @ the first Italian OpenFOAM users Meeting D. Gregori, E4 Computer Engineering SpA
16:30 - Sloshing simulations with dynamic mesh refinement and variable acceleration field. A. Cantiani Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
16:50 - CFD modeling of floating bodies interaction under waves and currents using OpenFOAM M. Khan, Universita' di Bologna
17:10 - Modelling of single-phase and two-phase liquid metal magnetohydrodynamic flows S. Siriano, Sapienza Università di Roma
17:30 - Improving OpenFOAM's modeling approach for the assessment of urban vegetation impact on microclimate. S. Zhu, Dip. di Energia, Politecnico di Milano
17:50 - OpenFOAM @UNIMORE: from high-fidelity simulation to industrial applications D. Angeli, Univ. di Modena e Reggio Emilia
- A flamelet-based numerical framework for conjugate heat transfer in rocket combustion chambers. A. Remiddi, Sapienza Università di Roma
- Large Eddy Simulations of cryogenic heated flows and 'realistic burners with OpenFOAM. G. Indelicato Sapienza Università di Roma
- A Low-Mach Number Pressure-Based Framework for Transcritical Real-Fluids Simulations. D. Cavalieri Sapienza Università di Roma
- Thermal adjoint methods in OpenFOAM . E. Gallorini, Dept. of Aerospace Science and Technology, Politecnico di Milano
- Development of a 3-phase compressible VOF solver for cryogenic injecion. D. Palomino, Brembo SGL Carbon Ceramic Brakes
- A hybrid CPU-GPU Paradigm to Accelerate Reactive-Flow CFD Simulations for Aerospace Propulsion Applications. F. Ghioldi, Dept. of Aerospace Science and Technology, Politecnico di Milano
- High-resolution Immerse Boundary Method in OpenFOAM. R. Signoriello, Dept. of Aerospace Science and Technology, Politecnico di Milano
- On the Speed-Up of Extrapolation-Based Stiff ODE Solvers for Large-Scale CFD of Multiphase Reacting Flows. J. Liberatori, Sapienza Università di Roma
Organizing Committee
- Prof. Federico Piscaglia – Dept. of Aerospace Science and Technology (DAER), Politecnico di Milano
- Federico Ghioldi – Dept. of Aerospace Science and Technology (DAER), Politecnico di Milano
- Emanuele Gallorini – Dept. of Aerospace Science and Technology (DAER), Politecnico di Milano
- Dr. Ivan Spisso – Leonardo Labs
- Dr. Valerio D’Alessandro – Università Politecnica delle Marche
- Dr. Pietro Paolo Cittoli – Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
- Dr. Joel Guerrero – Università di Genova
- Dr. Giorgio Amati – CINECA
- Dr. Simone Bna’ – CINECA
- Daniele Gregori – E4 Engineering
- Dr. Riccardo Rossi – RED Fluid Dynamics
Keynote Speakers

Dr. Fred Mendonca - Director of Operations, ESI-OpenCFD Ltd, UK
Talk: OpenFOAM is now ubiquitous! We engage on the next step to proliferate the value of Fluid Dynamics for public benefit. We'll cover two topics; OpenFOAM Governance including means to become actively involved in our collective future through the broad range of Technical Committees and Special Interest Groups. Then, we explore the benefits through real social impact in using this technology for the common good.
Bio: Fred graduated from Imperial College, spent several years in code development and architecture before concentrating on Applications and Customer Value with both licensed and opensource CFD. Today he is Managing Director of OpenCFD, Honorary Professor at CEMPS, University of Exeter, enjoying his tennis and looking forward to grandparenthood!

Prof. Kyriakos Giannakoglou - National Technical University of Athens
Talk: The Continuous Adjoint Method in Shape & Topology Optimization in Fluid Mechanics with or without Heat Transfer, in OpenFOAM. Industrial Applications
Bio: Prof. Kyriakos Giannakoglou is with the Lab. of Thermal Turbomachines and head of the Parallel CFD and the Optimization Unit of the School of Mechanical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens. His research interests include development of CFD-based analysis and optimization methods for internal and external aerodynamics, incl. adjoint methods & evolutionary algorithms. His research group has developed the publicly available continuous adjoint for shape optimization in the OpenFOAM environment.